The German Navy plans to purchase many new Ships. As the Federal Government in its response ( 17/2686 ) to an inquiry by the SPD ( 17/2522 ) tells to a third task force supply, called "Bonn" in 2012 services are provided.
Berlin - (hib / HLE / BOB) addition, two submarines of the class 212A made in 2012 and 2013 in service. The acquisition of four frigates of the class F 125 was scheduled for 2016 to 2019. Moreover, the Navy's procurement of six corvettes and two double-hull fuel tankers envisaged. With the purchase of corvettes was the earliest from 2015 and 2017, the tanker to be expected.
The government points out that the work would decline by the German naval shipbuilding industry of around 2 billion € in 2006 to 1 billion euros last year. Here, the underwater area is still better utilized than the surface ships. A reduction in the efficiency of the German maritime industry could lead to future needs must be met by the European or global market. "The risk is that due to export controls in other supplier countries critical technologies or not could only partially available and capability requirements of the Navy, therefore, restricted only could be realized, "it says in the response. A national defense industry basis is a prerequisite for a credible security policy of Germany.
German Bundestag, PUK 2 - Parliament correspondence
Sarah Leuenberger
Editor: Dr. Bernard Bode, Sebastian Hille, Michael Hoffmann, Michael Klein, Hans-Jürgen Leersch , Johanna Metz, Monika Pilath, Annette Sach, Helmut Stoltenberg, Alexander Weinlein
Source: German Bundestag,
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