Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What Kind Of Wood To Use For Interior Of Boat

New Year's Eve on board my ship 1

To return to the ship - will be stored at 18h!

on our pillows, we find a box in my New Year's ship design with Leysieffer chocolates before - a nice touch!
also is there an information statement - this is a great service - so you can check if everything is all right (despite all inclusive board our personal account differs only slightly from our usual way, from on average Cruises Spa, Zuzahlrestaurants, more So go and Co offer enough opportunities to be money ...)

Toll is also the way that people in the shops can either pay in cash - and not solely on account of the board. The enjoy our kids who have vacation pay taken away, not now constantly calling mom or dad have to, because for small things like a beach ball or key bands for the friends at home as a holiday gift a signature required (at AIDA is as regularly have small purchases after the signature of the parents asked what is certainly positive, and also has its place but sometimes even annoying). To

18h darkest Peter more quickly in the La Vida Sana bar, to take place where the draw of the spa suite for the next day - after 10 minutes he is back - unfortunately someone else has had luck (does not matter - we have that is a great next day Lanzarote - we would have otherwise missed smooth)

The Spa Suite can win - a ticket costs 10 € - the winning package includes 2.5 hours in the Spasuite for two, a 4-course menu and a Fuß-/Beinmassage - all in all, a value of 350 € - unfortunately we had no luck
called After our trip to La Gomera is now first shower and move fast, because at 19h already begins the first show of the "Great New Year's Eve Gala" for the guests of the 2nd Seating. The guests of the early dinner-time look at the show after dinner.

Six Pack A Capella Comedy Gala are part of this and we look forward to it, because her show has a few days before us so excited - so we are excited about what they would offer us this evening. This occurs Belle la Donna - Queen of Burlesque mmmmmh on ..... - whether the so-family-compliant?

Well, the show begins - Belle la Donna can sing at least, and opened the program - fully clothed and with full voice. Now enter

Six Pack (which unfortunately arrived only five, which has limited the repertoire seem to be substantially) the stage - from all sides a murmur goes through the lines: "we had that" And indeed, the two titles, the Six Pack is now the best, had probably pretty much the most seen in the hall in the first show a few days ago and heard - so they are no less good - but the jokes, in the first show still had raised loud peals of laughter act ("... and when sinking in the sea off Capri Aida "...), warmed simply not quite so spectacular.

Still all in all a great show!

enters after two titles again Belle la Donna stage and mimes and the moll: stripping! ... Well ... either it was censored, family-friendly trimmed version or simply fade ... neither one thing a whole - the enthusiasm has therefore also been limited.
Too little erotic to be provocative - to show a little style to be truly family-compliant.

Sorry, but this program point would be better fitted to the casino or in a show at a later time and that's what we listen to the show by most .... the much heralded "tantalizing adult" in any case was the most hidden ...

then again two titles by Six Pack, who cheered loudly again, though here again a repetition of the last show. The going is good - but again nothing new and for the much heralded New Year's Eve just a little too little (we had bought after the first show, the CD Six Pack and the Force is really great!) Overall, there were now 4 Title and all just the same as the first few days earlier, held Show ...
Finally, a further presentation of Belle la Donna - this time Marylin Monroe in style with "Diamonds a girls best friend" in the sparkling white dress at the beginning ...: o) ... what happened afterwards, can all think .... Not bad, but somehow not a highlight - in view of the many families with (still young) children in the audience certainly better ...
It felt to me almost sorry for the applause, in the words of the entertainment chiefs could hear the difference: Six Pack had, despite repeated the audience obviously much more excited ... because Belle la Donna certainly a good Act - only it did not fit somehow so completely at that time to this place.

She was now - the "great" New Year's Eve show ... Probably would we found them personally in a different class if we do not have a few days before the Six Pack would show seen on board - perhaps it was also due to the early days - nearly all were probably completely sober (us included) - possibly triggered the second show in this New Year's Eve since made much more enthusiasm.

Atlantic for the main restaurant, there were only two days before notification to the cabin, you may please add an exception for a table of the times - the choice was between two extremes 17:45 (way too early for us .. .) and 20:45 (already better - But most of the other were probably too) unfortunately we have quite some way, but directly indicate that we would like to sit with the other at a table and we all sit apart unfortunately far as it will not change more later was.

Fortunately, we have the table at least for us alone, because a few other tables were apparently occupied by mistake twice - so sit Nicole and Sönke including kids probably once ordered a while how and not picked up in the bar, because their table number twice was awarded. Also at our table next to suddenly appear guests who use the same table number as our table mates have been assigned. However, no one has to go hungry that night - of course all the guests still get a table, albeit with a bit of waiting time.

The service is top notch as always - is the drink / champagne this time it has directly upon entering the restaurant. !

New Year's Eve menu is fantastic (at least if you're fish lovers), and in any case very high, the starter has two choices: turrets caviar or oysters ... neither is really something for me and so I get only one in the soup: o) My husband is looking forward to it all the more.
For vegetarians there that night by the way its own complete menu (Otherwise usually only one alternative vegetarian main course that is not on the map).

After dinner we go up onto the pool deck - it is now after 23h and the pool party is in full swing. We take Udo and Diana, whose son Nicholas with the kids celebrating the Kids Club (today there are in the Kids Club that is even Pramm until after midnight!) And only later to come and Nicole, Sönke and kids are back.

The My ship had already taken a few hours before heading to Tenerife - port side of Deck 14, one has the best view of fireworks.
There is live music with the Wizards and the mood Shipping is good.
The countdown starts, the champagne is served diligently - and promptly at 24 sounds the ship's horn - Welcome 2011 - Happy New Year.

A large of ice in 2011 and unveiled the New Year's fireworks over Tenerife enlightened (or at least parts of it) the night sky. Madeira can keep up with the fireworks - but at least this is our youngest, who is not hands over the ears, quite right!

from left to right: Frederic, I (Christine), Peter, Diana (with Niklas), Sönke, Nicole, Mila and Udo

The new year begins so for us with fantastic weather, new friends, which we will hopefully see a lot more often (our kids are already planning the next trip together) and in a very relaxed atmosphere - may 2011 ... wneig a longing in the air ... because unfortunately our trip in two days is already over and we seriously consider the impact dranzuhängen travel spontaneously ...

New Year before we are - Lanzarote. My personal favorite of the Canary Islands together with Nicole, Sönke and our children, we enjoy a wonderful holiday last joint.

At this point, the reference - if the blog is finished with the national daily reports, I will of course provide more general information about cabins and the day program online. The daily program is very extensive and if you want to miss anything, should be a precaution well pack a highlighter!

If you are interested in the various day programs and port details of this trip, etc - can register on the forum like: there

morning there is more to Lanzarote etc

way, there are still more information to the TUI My Schiff1 - including ship visit


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